Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Museum of Art

This past week we went to the Museum of Art on BYU campus to view religious art, much of which was focused on types and shadows of Christ. The experience was very touching personally. Initially I stayed with the class as people discussed their ideas of what they felt different aspects of a painting represented to them. Part way through though, I wandered off on my own and studied pieces of art on my own. It was a great to be able to sit by myself and look at different paintings and draw my own parallels and ideas. To be there studying on my own and see how it touched me, and not everyone else around me. Not that I didn’t like, or agree with, their ideas, I just didn’t get the same experience from it. I think had I studied those specific pieces of art beforehand, I would have enjoyed the conversation more, but I really just wanted to take it in on my own this first time. It was a great blessing to me to be able to look at paintings of Christ, of the Prodigal Son, and even paintings of nature and see how they were all works of God—that pointed to Christ and His divine role. I’m sad that it’s leaving and that I won’t get a chance to go and study more of the paintings on my own.

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