Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Exodus West

It's interesting looking at section 136 of the Doctrine and Covenants and comparing it to the exodus during the time of Moses. In both instances the Lord's people had been rejected and were seeking safety elsewhere. Obviously the circumstances were different in each case, but both were to get away from a nation who rejected their beliefs and persecuted them. For both camps, they were led by the Lord, but only by their faith and obedience. One of the opening statements is that any who were to travel west were to do so with a covenant and a promise to follow the commandments of God. God was willing, and did, lead both of these times of his people seeking refuge elsewhere. He provided miracles of food, protection, and growth for them. As long as they followed the commandments the Lord would watch over them. What I think is interesting that in both cases the Lord never said that it was going to be an easy journey. The Lord in these days told the Saints that they needed to bare all chastisement from the Lord, as it would prepare them for the blessings he had in store for them. Likewise, it was not easy during the exodus from Egypt as the Israelite's suffered much, yet saw the miracles of God during their suffering. In both instances, having the Lord watch over them didn't meant that there would be no death or pain, but that if they would be faithful they would grow and become who the Lord wanted them to be. If they were faithful, both groups would be protected from their enemies. If they were faithful, the Lord had tremendous blessings prepared for them. It's cool to see that the Lord gives the same principles and promises as long as there are people willing to listen and follow, all throughout different periods of time.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Crandall Museum

The Crandall Museum was a very cool experience for me. I went a few years ago, but I didn't remember much from that visit. It was amazing to see a replica of the Gutenberg press, and understand everything that Gutenberg went through in order to make a printing press that truly worked, and served as the guide for all printing presses for hundreds of years. Truly, he must have been inspired by God to be able to come up with all of the designs of the press, what metals to be used to make the perfect alloy for the type, what inks to use, etc. It was interesting to me to see how he started his presses in secret because he was scared of what would be done with him for creating something new. Yet, before he knew it he was making copies of the Bible for the Catholic Church.
The other aspect of the Museum that I found fascinating was of the printing of the Book of Mormon. I thought it was really cool how much of a miracle it was that there were even resources in Palmyra to allow for the printing of the Book of Mormon. The mentioned there too, how quickly they would have had to print the pages to the Book of Mormon to make the 5,000 copies in time, and just how much strength that would have taken. Just the printing and binding aspects of the Book of Mormon are miracles. It truly was set up and made possible by God. It is an evidence to me that if we put our faith in the Lord, anything can happen. We just need to do our best and leave the rest to Him.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Before Nauvoo, Joseph Smith received many revelations from the Lord, forming much of the Doctrine and Covenants we have to day. In the early days of the church, the Prophet Joseph Smith was receiving revelation about how the Lord’s church was to be run and organized. They addressed specific questions and restored doctrine. Like everyone though, Joseph did not learn everything all at once. It took time to study it out and to fully put all the pieces of a puzzle together. It seems that upon reaching Nauvoo, he started to see the whole picture. As a result, he began to expound on the further truths of the gospel. He didn’t just get up and tell the people “Thus saith the Lord,” but he taught true truths and doctrines.
This was only one reason that some of his earlier discourses were not recorded and saved as scripture. Very few of Joseph Smith’s sermons were recorded, and most of them were only small excerpts. In Nauvoo, we have the records of people writing down his words as he spoke, plus some letters from Joseph to congregations. These sermons contained true doctrine, which shed more light upon who we are, and our relationship to deity. As a result, they were and are considered scripture.
What I find interesting today is that we work in much the same way as the Nauvoo era. We don’t hear the prophet get up in conference very often and teach us brand new doctrine, or receive groundbreaking revelations. Instead he teaches us the truths of the God. As he does so by the Spirit, it is as though his words are scripture, for they are words of God.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Joseph Smith Papers

I really enjoyed reading the minutes from February 17, 1834. It gave me a lot of insight as to the origins of the high council system, and even disciplinary councils in these last days. It was cool to see how it was set up for a council of people to gather together to discuss very hard issues in the church. What particularly stuck out was that regarding what sounded like the disciplinary councils of the church. I didn't realize it was during this time that the order and manner of these councils was established. My dad is on the high council for my stake, so I've talked to him a little bit about how disciplinary councils work and function. After reading these minutes, I realized that the church still follows this very order of things. It all sounded so familiar to what my dad had told me. I think it's amazing how it is set up though--that there are six members who represent and defend that accused, and then twelve who basically prosecute. But all of it done in love to be sure that both justice and mercy are able to take place. I think the important part of this too, is that was not just for the everyday cases. It was only for those cases where bishops and their councils, or other smaller councils could not resolve an issue. It was only for major issues. I think that's an important thing to remember.
The other thing I found interesting about the readings was the revelation talking about wars. It's interesting to see that these two events happened on the same day-the organization of the high council, and a revelation prophesying of the civil war.
It's really cool to read in the Joseph Smith Papers and see the origins of some of the procedures, and the actual documents for revelations I had known of for a long time.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Museum of Art

This past week we went to the Museum of Art on BYU campus to view religious art, much of which was focused on types and shadows of Christ. The experience was very touching personally. Initially I stayed with the class as people discussed their ideas of what they felt different aspects of a painting represented to them. Part way through though, I wandered off on my own and studied pieces of art on my own. It was a great to be able to sit by myself and look at different paintings and draw my own parallels and ideas. To be there studying on my own and see how it touched me, and not everyone else around me. Not that I didn’t like, or agree with, their ideas, I just didn’t get the same experience from it. I think had I studied those specific pieces of art beforehand, I would have enjoyed the conversation more, but I really just wanted to take it in on my own this first time. It was a great blessing to me to be able to look at paintings of Christ, of the Prodigal Son, and even paintings of nature and see how they were all works of God—that pointed to Christ and His divine role. I’m sad that it’s leaving and that I won’t get a chance to go and study more of the paintings on my own.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Joseph Smith Papers

It was cool to read the original manuscript for Doctrine and Covenants section 88. What was interesting to me was to see how many small revisions were made before it was finally published. Most of them were done by Joseph Smith, yet there are a lot of changes made by others who were scribes for Joseph. It was really cool for me to see how although there are a lot of changes, they were only for small grammatical errors really. It helped me to realize even more that Joseph Smith wouldn’t receive a revelation, and then go back and change and rewrite everything he wrote. It’s a testimony to me that these revelations truly are from God. Joseph Smith received these revelations from God, and through mistakes of scribes, or just general grammatical errors, there were a few changes. It’s evidence that the Prophet Joseph Smith did not just sit and contemplate what was going to be written. He didn’t sit and write, then scribble out a few sentences to make it sound better. He would sit and read what the Lord would dictate he should read. Although I haven’t studied many of the other revelations, I assume they’re very similar in nature. No real major revisions. It gives me hope that I can read the Doctrine and Covenants and know that it’s the undefiled word of God.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Liberty Jail

Amid many allegations, Joseph Smith was sent to a few different jails in Missouri before he finally ended up in Liberty Jail. Joseph was treated horribly, and had to live in the most demeaning conditions. From being in dark, cramped quarters, to being offered human flesh, Joseph was in extremely dire situations. He didn’t know how the Saints were doing, and had to trust that Brigham Young and the other free leaders would keep them safe. It’s enough physically and emotionally to break just about anyone. Enough to cause the strongest man to ask: “Why? Why me?” And Joseph did just that. “Oh God, where art thou?” The words which start off the 121st section of the Doctrine and Covenants show just how low Joseph Smith must have felt. It was the first time he had to sit and really have time to ponder things, and wonder if what he was on the right track. Had he truly followed the Lord’s counsel? Had the Lord forsaken him? He was discouraged. He was despairing. Yet the Lord didn’t come to His immediate aid and try only to comfort him. But He does give him what Joseph needed to hear. He says, “My son, peace be unto thy soul.” These sweet words are the beginning of some incredible and sweet revelations, as well as the beginning of a new era for Joseph Smith. Before going to Liberty Jail, Joseph almost seemed to lack confidence in some areas. He typically had somebody else speak for him. He knew the gospel, and was confident in His relationship with the Lord, but he hadn’t truly been tried and tested. It was in the solemn walls of Liberty Jail that he received that test. The Lord promised Joseph that if he would endure the trials well, they would be for His good. In that, and the other counsel the Lord gave Joseph, a new man evolved. Joseph learned how to truly lead. He became completely confident in the teachings. No longer was he going to have somebody else speak for him, but he was now going to be his own spokesmen. He began to teach sermons instead of teaching revelations. In many ways for Joseph, Liberty Jail could be seen as his Garden of Gethsemane. It was probably the hardest time in his life. Possibly the hardest period of time he had to go through. Yet, when he came out of it he was stronger than ever. He did endure it well. He did what the Lord asked of him, and as a result he was able to strengthen and bless those around him. By following the Lord, and working through those hard times, he was able to become what the Lord wanted him to become.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

D&C 137

Doctrine and Covenants Section 37 is a revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith of the Celestial Kingdom. It gives some extremely comforting to doctrine regarding those who die without ever hearing about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In the revelation, Joseph Smith sees his brother Alvin, who died without being baptized. Joseph is surprised to see his brother in the Celestial Kingdom since he had not been baptized in mortality, but then learned an incredible doctrine—that those who would have accepted the gospel, had they had the opportunity in this life, will have a chance to learn it and accept it in the life to come. Of course, they can’t receive the ordinances for themselves, so that puts a lot of responsibility on the rest of us to do their work for them. For me personally, this makes me feel extremely grateful for the gospel. It’s hard for me to imagine a God who wouldn’t provide a way for all of His creations to return to Him. It helps me to remember how much love our Heavenly Father has for all of His children. We all lived with Him before, and His work and His glory is to “bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man.” Our Heavenly Father provided a way for everyone on this earth to return to live with Him, not just those who had a chance to hear of Christ, or receive a fullness of that Gospel. It helps me to realize that even though there are hard trials going on throughout the world, God loves all of His children. Even if things are hard in this life, those who do their best still have a chance to have true joy and happiness in the life to come.
This is additionally important to me in the aspect of family history work. Heavenly Father has provided a way for our ancestors to return to Him, but they can’t do it without our help. We have information and technology at our fingertips. We have the gospel in its fullness. It truly is our responsibility and opportunity to search for the names of our ancestors. To give them the opportunity to receive the ordinances is an opportunity that all should pursue in one form or another. Many of them lived good lives, and would have accepted the gospel. Now it’s up to us to give them that chance to receive the blessings.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Special Collections

For this past week in class we went to the Special Collections area of the Harold B. Lee Library to receive a lecture on the history of writing and preserving records. It is amazing to me the measures that people would go to in the past in order to write something down so that it could be preserved for at least a period of time. It was amazing to see how writing evolved. From rocks, to animal skins, to paper, it is clear that they would use just about anything they could to be able to preserve, or communicate, what they had to say.
What really struck me though is how much we take the ability to read, write, and keep records for granted. Looking at the texts before the printing press, it is incredible to see how perfect the writing was, and how much time they took to make it look beautiful. During Roman times, they had the metal plates which they would engrave in. The Egyptians made papyrus. And even then, there were only some who could actually read and write. It was an opportunity that few had to be able to truly preserve a record or a history. Today we have pens and paper at our finger tips. I am able to sit at my computer and write my personal history, or anything else that I want. We have text messaging capabilities and e-mail. Do we really ever stop and think about how lucky we are to be able to so easily read or write. It made me realize a little bit more why we are encouraged to keep a journal and other histories. I’m sure that many of my ancestors would have given anything for the opportunities that I have now. To be taught from a young age how to read and write, and yet what am I doing with it?
I also realize how grateful I am for those who were educated, and did choose to write things down. Although we couldn’t see their original works, I am grateful for the prophets from the Book of Mormon and the Bible for keeping their records. Because of them, and the work of others, I am able to read the word of God as He gave direction to His prophets. Thanks to their faithfulness, and the technology that allows for mass production of these materials, I am able to study their words. And why? Because there were faithful people over the years who kept and preserved these sacred records. This trip to the Special Collections Library really helped me to understand how grateful I am for the time that people put into keeping records, and what a responsibility I have to keep records for myself.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life is such an interesting thing. Sometimes life is going great, and nothing can stop you. Other times it seems that nothing can go right. It’s a rollercoaster of ups and downs. But why? Why can’t life just be easy all of the time? Why do we have to have hard times? I personally am okay when things are going easy, and I’m not the most excited for trials and suffering, but I can look back on every time of suffering in my life and see something that I have learned. It is also comforting to learn from the scriptures that suffering doesn’t necessarily mean that we are being punished. That doesn’t mean that transgression comes without punishment, but that’s not the only reason for suffering. Suffering can come for our own personal growth, or because of the actions of others. Often times things in life get hard not because we’ve done anything wrong, but because God wants to prove us and help us grow. I can look back at many times in my life when I just can’t figure out why things were happening, or why life was so hard. I’d be trying to live the gospel, and keep the commandments, yet life was still hard. Eventually, those hard times did pass, and looking back I can see how I was able to grow and learn from those experiences. Through those hard times our Father in Heaven has been able to help mold me more into what he wants me to become. The challenge I’m trying to work on now is to keep a positive outlook on life during those hard times, when I feel that I am suffering. It always helps me to look back on past experiences where the Lord has helped me. When I look at much of the world it also helps me feel grateful, and realize that much of my suffering and trials aren’t so bad. So many people in the world suffer so much more, whether it’s because of their choices, natural occurrences, or the agency of other people. I have to look at them to and realize why that is fair. I then realize that I don’t know why things are that way, but God does. I have to remember that He provided a way to make all things fair in the life to come. It’s so comforting to know that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, all the wrongs in this world can be made right in the life to come. Suffering is hard, but I feel that the prophet Nephi says it best, “For it must needs be ,that there is an opposition in all things.” If life never was hard, we could never experience true joy, and that is what we always have to remember.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Patriarchal Blessings

Our Heavenly Father gives His children the revelations and guidance they need to be successful in this life, and return to live with Him again someday. Many sections in the Doctrine and Covenants help to lay out the doctrines of His church, and how it is to be organized. He tells His children what they can all achieve if they are faithful, and keep their covenants, or promises, that they make with him. Within the Doctrine and Covenants, there are sections that are directed more towards individuals and their needs. Does this mean that those sections do not apply to the general body of the church because they were given to a specific person? No. In section 25, a revelation given to Emma Smith, through her husband the prophet, it says “And verily, verily, I say unto you, that this is my voice unto all.” Many of the revelations given to specific individuals in the Doctrine and Covenants are applicable to all people. The principles taught are things that will help everyone to grow closer to our Heavenly Father. But that doesn’t mean that there were not things meant specifically for those people, and them alone. Some of the revelations speak of specific callings that are given to people, and are therefore not applicable to all. In our own lives, Heavenly Father has given us the opportunity to receive our own personal revelations through Patriarchal Blessings. In a Patriarchal Blessing, there are many principles that could be, and are, applicable to all people. Yet, each blessing is not a generic list of general things. Patriarchal Blessings give general guidance, as well as specific counsel and blessings if the recipient is faithful. Something that separates the revelations in the Doctrine and Covenants from Patriarchal Blessings is access to them. The Doctrine and Covenants have been published for all to hear and read. The blessings and revelations are not to be kept personal. Yet, Patriarchal Blessings are for the blessing of the recipient, and not for the church as a whole. They are personal, and are not to be shared as a casual thing. As amazing as both Patriarchal Blessings and the Doctrine and Covenants are, they require work on our part to see the blessings. Through a covenant system with our Heavenly Father, we are able to receive His promised blessings. He sets the terms and tells us what we are supposed to do. If we follow His counsel, He has promised us blessings in return. So whether to the whole church, or individuals, Heavenly Father gives us revelations for our blessing and good.